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From Soccer in Tampa to Festivals in San Diego

Football, Spartans, Orlando Magic, oh my! Fall brings so many fun events our way.

For competitive events, in Rhode Island, we were back for the Newport Marathon and Pell Bridge Run, and we locked it up at Spartan Pittsburgh, Virginia, SoCal, Tri-State NJ, and Virigina! LA Galaxy, LA Chargers, UVA, Rutgers, Tampa Bay Buccs, and SD Gulls games all made it into the mix, as well as a special US Soccer game down in Tampa!

As we like to do, we had our ears to the music, too! In San Diego, we offered locker rentals at the System of a Down concert, Ye Scallwag festival, and Rufus Del Sol concert. Plus, two of our West Coast locker vehicles took to Perris, CA where we serviced the Desert Daze Music Festival. Side note! Did you know, we also offer cell charging services? Rather than having to stand by a charging station or part with your cell while it’s locked in a locker (the horror!), we sell or rent charging sticks and cords so you can go ahead and enjoy the music with your best friend, your cell phone!

This is our last full month up in the northeast seasonally, so we’re prepping for a busy November next month as we finish things up then migrate south for warmer winters!