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Netflix Locks It up!

Okay, how did June go by so fast? The old adage is true – time flies when you’re having fun.

Back at it with Spartan Race, all these racers can’t get enough of the mud! We locked it up at Spartan Tri-State New York, Ohio, Minnesota, DC, and Chicago! We also did our first mud run of the year at the Warrior Dash in North Carolina.

Our West Coast locker truck was zipping around, too, back at it with the LA Galaxy and servicing the Summer Jam Concert. Plus, we had our first big Hollywood break! Okay well exactly, but we were part of the production for a Netflix series shot in Los Angeles. We set the truck up to be self-serve so folks on set who weren’t allowed to hang onto their cellphones could lock the up.

Oh yeah, and with all of that, we also zipped back down to Florida temporarily for the Luke Bryan concert! Phew, now… time for summer vacation. Ha ha ha – just kidding, time for even more events in July!